
This is one of only two photos I took in Tulum, Mexico. These are my feet, in a hammock, on the porch of our beach front room at Nueva Vida de Ramiro, at dusk on the Caribbean Sea.
For five days, I turned off my iphone and detoxed from phone calls, gchat, twitter, facebook, e-mail, to do lists, gawker, the nytimes, youtube, and everything that wasn't beach/book or guacamole.
In this blissed out, tan state, I decided that I was ready to apply to MFA programs.
i had grand plans of writing/drafting/blogging tonight. but alas:
this is all i did.
word count = 0
wordcounts 16-19
-worked a tiny tiny bit on my other blog
-listened to this song over and over and over
-started reading short comic stories
predicting the future:
-will put on a dress on friday
-will see my brother on saturday
-will walk on sunday
word count: 253

-went to rocketship for free comic book day
-realized that love and rockets is still alive
-read ariel schrag for the first time since college (not free)
-brontez of gravy train!!!! + osa of new blood + crystal of partyline = the younger lovers @ cakeshop
-there was much moshing. i had much coca cola.
word count: 0
-rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain
-finished another queer YA novel I wish I'd read in high school
word count: 1,598